Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wednesday, March 9

Happy Wednesday!

Once again, here are a few reminders for you...
  • We are in WEEK 8! This means that you need to start turning in any redo/missing assignments that you have. Check your Edmodo for your current grades. I will only accept late work until next TUESDAY, MARCH 15.
  • San Diego Zoo field trip is scheduled for Tuesday, March 15. If you haven't signed up yet, talk to Ms. S.
  • Running Club starts Friday! Remind Ms. S to start sending home permission slips!
1) Vocabulary
This week's vocabulary words are:
  • Administer (verb)
  • Conduct (noun, verb)
  • Element (noun)
In your blogs, complete the following assignment -
Blog Title - Week 8 Vocabulary Sentences
Assignment - Write TWO (2) SENTENCES for each of your vocabulary words. For the word conduct, you need to write one sentence as a noun and one sentence using it as a verb.

2) PLATO - English/Language Arts
Go to - Writing Strategies
Assignment - Capitalizing Scientific and Computer Terms

3) Biome Lunch Bags
You will not be given more class time today. If you are not done yet, you need to finish it today before break at 9:30.

4) Redo/Make-up Work
Before break, everyone is required to show Ms. S a missing assignment from your Edmodo that you have completed or turn in a redo assignment from the redo folders. You have only until next Tuesday to turn in missing/redo work!!!

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