Happy Friday! Today we start running club...did everyone bring their running shoes?
Don't forget that today is early release. You will be released from the park at 1:00.
Here are your assignments as you come in -
1) Vocabulary
Take your vocabulary quiz.
2) PLATO - English/Language Arts
Go to - Writing Strategies
Assignment - Considering the Reader
3) Current Events - Tsunami/Earthquake in Japan
Go read and print one article.
In your blog, complete the following assignment -
Blog Title - Tsunami/Earthquake in Japan
Assignment -
In your blog, include the newspaper name, author, and article title
Summarize the newspaper article and be sure to include the following -
- What happened?
- What was the scale of the earthquake?
- Define - tsunami. What effects did it have/currently having?
- How far has the tsunmai hit so far? (Beside Japan)
- What is the current death toll in Japan?
4) Biome Lunch Bags
Today is the LAST DAY that I will accept late/missing biome lunch bags. Today is also the last day for your presentations. Be sure to present today in order to earn your grade!
Remember, there are only two more weeks left in the quarter so you need to make sure to complete all assignments to earn the best grade possible.
5) Redo/Missing Work
The last day to turn in any missing/redo work is Tuesday, March 15. Complete at least one today.
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