Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Thursday, March 3

Good morning, my favorite students!

As you come in, here are your assignments -

1) Vocabulary
In your blogs, you need to complete the following assignment:
Blog Title - Week 7 Vocab Paragraph
Assignment - Vocab Paragraph
You need to use ALL FOUR of your vocabulary words (Occur, Assume, Respond, Process) to respond to the following quote:
Nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral questions of our time: the need for man to overcome oppression and
violence without resorting to oppression and violence. Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge,
aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.-

Martin Luther King, Jr., Nobel Prize acceptance speech, Stockholm, Sweden, December 11, 1964.

In your response, consider the following -
** What is MLK saying?
** Why is it important?
** How is it connected to our Vietnam War/Civil Rights Movement unit?

2) PLATO - English/Language Arts
Go to - Reading Comprehension
Assignment - Locating What's Important in Expository Text

Social Studies - Important Vocabulary
In your blogs, complete the vocabulary assignment:
Blog Title - Civil Rights Movement Vocabulary/People/Events.
Assignment - Look up the following terms/people/events. Write a one sentence description for each.

Democratic National Convention, 1964

Fourteenth Amendment

Freedom Riders/Riders

Freedom Schools (Mississippi), 1964

Freedom Summer (Mississippi), 1964


Jim Crow

Ku Klux Klan

literacy tests

Little Rock Nine


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