Monday, March 21, 2011

Tuesday, March 22

Good morning! As you come in, here are the assignments that you need to complete:

But first, here are a few reminders for you all:
  • The only late/missing work you are able to turn in at this point is ELA or Math PLATO's - you need to print them, get a signature, and turn them in if you want credit. This is the easiest way to raise your language arts or math grades!
  • Wednesday, March 23 (Tomorrow) - Early Release!
  • Sea World is next Thursday, March 31. The cost is $6. I am hoping to take 21 of you, but at this moment, I only have vans reserved to drive 14. The first 14 to bring me $6 (and get parent permission) will be the 14 that have guaranteed spots. We'll go from there.
  • Friday, April 1 - Open House!
  • I have a new science blog that we will begin using this week! Check it out. Make sure you set up your blog account to 'follow' this new one:

And now, back to the assignments....

1) Vocabulary - Week 10 Synonyms, Images, and Sentences

In your blog, complete the following assignment:

Blog Title - Week 10 Synonyms, Images, and Sentences

Assignment -

* Copy the following synonyms for each of your vocabulary words:

Interact (verb) - Intermingle, act together, intergrate, cooperate

Compensate (verb) - Make up for, offset, pay damages, reimburse, give back

Initial (adjective, noun, verb) - First, early, original

* Find an image that depicts each of your vocabulay words.

* Write a sentence that describes how each image represents your vocabualry word.

2) PLATO - English/Language Arts

Go to - Written & Oral Conventions

Assignment - Adding Commas After Introductory Clauses

3) Mini-Biography: Malcom X

In your blogs, complete the following assignment:

Blog Title: Mini-Biography -- Malcolm X


Answer the following questions in COMPLETE SENTENCES. Include the questions as part of your blog.

1. When was Malcolm X born? Where?

2. Why did Malcolm X have to move so much at an early age? What happened to his father?

3. What made Malcolm lose his dream of becoming a lawyer? After he dropped out of school, what did he do for "work?"

4. Malcolm X was sentenced to 10 years in prision. Why was he arrested and sentenced to jail? During his jail time, what happened to Malcolm X?

5. What was Malcolm X's religion?

6. How did Malcolm X regard Martin Luther King, Jr.? How did this end up changing?

7. How did Malcolm X die? When? Who was the assassin?

8. Find a picture of Malcolm X.

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