- Did you bring your $6? Tomorrow is SeaWorld! You need to be at school by 9AM and we will return by 2-2:30PM. There are water rides, so keep that in mind. And no, Ms. S is not going to hold all your cell phones/ipods/headphones/etc. when you want to go on a ride. So bring a plastic bag or something to keep them safe in.
- Friday is Open House! You won't have any grades/report cards until then.
- There are many of you who I do not have your blog URL's for! Today is the last day that I will ask for your URL's for your grades this quarter. Check Edmodo because I sent you a message there if I don't have it...
You can check your Edmodo today to see how many points your vocabulary blogs are actually worth - 200 points! Most of you do about one entry a week and are earning a failing grade for that assignment. Due to this, everyone must show me their blog posts daily.
As you come in, here are your assignments -
1) Vocabulary - Week 1 Sentences
In your blogs, complete the following assignment -
Blog Title - Quarter 4, Week 1 Sentences
Assignment - Write TWO (2) SENTENCES for each of your vocabulary words: Achieve, Compute, and Specific
2) PLATO - English/Language Arts
Go to - Written & Oral Conventions
Assignment - Matching Verbs with Compount Subjects
3) Is your resume done? Your career worksheet?
At 8:45ish, we will begin working on our cover letters so make sure everything is ready to go so you are on track.