Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday, April 5

Good morning!

As you come in, here are a few important notes:

ALEX, VALERIE, COREY, JOSSELIN, ANDREA - You need to join your Edmodo classes for 4th quarter. If you do not, I can not enter your grades! The codes are on Edmodo, the blog, and the whiteboard. DO THIS TODAY!

Here are your assignments as you come in -

1) Vocabulary - Week 2 Synonyms, Images, and Sentences

This week's vocabulary words are: Obtain, Vary, Distribute

In your blogs, complete the following assignment:

BLOG TITLE (which means I actually want you to title YOUR blog this way) -

Week 2 Synonyms, Images, and Sentences


** Copy the following synonyms for each of your vocab words

Obtain - get, attain

Vary - differ, contrast

Distribute - deal out, issue, dispense

** Find an IMAGE that accurately depicts each of your vocabulary words.

** Write a SENTENCE that describes how your image depicts your vocabulary word.

2) PLATO - English/Language Arts

Go to - Written & Oral Conventions

Assignment - Correct Use of Adjectives and Adverbs-Comparatives

You will have until approximately 8:30-8:45 to complete these assignments. They both must be checked off and your name put on the board. These two assignments, along with your Thank You Letter, will be required before you take your first break.

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