Monday, April 11, 2011

Tuesday, April 12

Happy Tuesday, my favorite students!

A few important notes: - SDSU field trip on Friday, April 15. This field trip is MANDATORY.

As you come in, here are your assignments. Please remember that Stephanie is coming in today for our career class so it is imperative that you complete your assignments in a timely manner. You will be given until roughly 8:30 (or when she arrives).

1) Vocabulary - In your blogs, complete the following assignment
Blog Title - Week 3 Synonyms, Images, and Sentences
Assignment -
- Copy the following synonyms for each of your vocabulary words.
Compare: Contrast, evaluate, balance
Range: Variety, choice, reach
Data: Information, facts, statistics, figures
- Find an image that represents each of your vocabulary words.
- Write a sentence that describes how each image accurately depicts your vocabulary word.

2) PLATO - English/Language Arts
Go to - Written & Oral Conventions
Assignment - Fixing Sentence Fragments - Prepositional Phrases

3) Did you finish your glog yet?
Make sure to post in the Main St Science blog (
Log in:
Password: sendaydiego
Title your glog - Ch 15-2 & YOUR NAME

4) Did you finish your five year goals?
Check Edmodo for the assignment description if you have not completed this assignment.

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