Monday, April 25, 2011

Tuesday, April 26

Happy Tuesday!

Stephanie will be here today to work on our career class so your assignments must be completed by 8:30-8:45.

As you come in, here are your assignments:

1) Vocabulary
Your vocabulary words for the week are: apply, contract, and labor.
In your blogs, complete the following assignment:
BLOG TITLE - Week 5 Synonyms, Images, and Sentences.
*** Copy the following synonyms for each of your vocab words.
Apply: Submit an application, put on, use
Contract: Agreement, deal, catch, get, shrink
Labor: Work, toil, employment, work hard, struggle
*** Find an image that represents each of your vocabulary words.
*** Write a sentence that describes how your image depicts each vocab word.

2) PLATO - English/Language Arts
Go to - Written & Oral Conventions
Assignment - Matching "Or" and "Nor" With Verb Forms

3) Did you answer the poll questions on Edmodo from yesterday?

4) Is your animoto video done? Be ready to present. Today is the LAST day I will watch presentations.

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