Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday, April 22

It's finally Friday! I am so excited to see all of you dressed up and ready to interview!

A final few tips for your interviews:
- BREATHE! Take a deep breath and calm down. You'll be fine.
- Remember to keep your hands in your lap.
- Use the question as part of your answer. "I believe I have shown responsibility when...."
- Give examples. Use stories. Expand your answers.
- For question 5 when you are asked if there is anything else you'd like to add, ADD SOMETHING!
- Remember - you all have tech skills. You use Microsoft Word, blogger, animoto, edmodo, glogster, prezi, PowerPoint....
- For question 6 when you are asked if you have any questions, ASK A QUESTION! Questions to ask could include: the age range of students you'll be working with, how many students you'll be working with (small/large groups), morning or afternoon schedule....
- ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS use complete sentences!

As you come in, here are your assignments:

1) Vocabulary -
It's quiz day! Take your quiz, turn it in.

2) PLATO - English/Language Arts
Go to - Written & Oral Conventions
Assignment - Choosing Amount/Number, Capital/Capitol, and Imply/Infer

3) Review your interview questions, resume, and cover letter.
Practice your answers with a partner. Practice with Stephanie.

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