Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday, November 10

Happy Wednesday!

I hope everyone enjoyed their day off yesterday...especially since you get another one tomorrow! Don't forget - NO SCHOOL tomorrow for Veteran's Day.

Today's Agenda:
- Vocabulary
- Night Projects - DUE!
- Quiz Review (Elimination, Substitution, PLATO)
- Cruz: Presentation
- Finish Schindler's List

1) Vocabulary - Synonyms, Images, and Sentences

Blog Title - Week 3 Synonyms, Images, and Sentences
- Copy the synonyms for each of your vocabulary words. You need to have your VOKI say your synonyms for you on your blog. REMEMBER - your voki needs to have you write your synonyms as a complete sentence, otherwise it won't read it correctly. For example, "The synonyms for the word interpret are compare and translate."
Interpret - Compare, Translate
Percent - Portion
Involve - Engage, engross, occupy, connect, include

- Images & Sentences: You must also find an image for EACH of your vocabulary words. For each image, you need to write ONE SENTENCE that describes why that image matches or describes your vocabulary word.

2) PLATO - "Using Commas with Linking Words like "Because""
Go to:
* CAHSEE English Language Arts Written and Oral Conventions
* Assignment: "Using Commas with Linking Words like "Because""
- Complete the MASTERY test - the Mastery test must show your name or you must show Ms. S/JUlianna your gold star and have us sign it. You will not earn credit if you simply write your name on the paper.
- Print & turn in

3) Night Projects are due today! You'll present them on Friday.

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