Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday, November 5

Happy Friday!!!

Today's Agenda:
* Vocabulary Quiz
* PLATO (Language Arts)
* Oskar Schindler - Questions
* Night - Projects
* Math Quiz
* Biology Presentations (Nalani/Jose, Cruz, Yadira, Daniel, Mikey, Valerie, Paz, Josselin, Andrea, Isabel)
* Schindler's List

Here are your assignments as you come in:

1) Vocabulary Quiz - Ask Ms. S for it. Take it. Turn it in.

2) Language Arts - PLATO
Go to: CAHSEE English Language Arts Written & Oral Conventions
Complete the Mastery Test for the "Using Commas in Sentences with "Or", "And", or "But"."
Turn in on Edmodo

3) Social Studies/History - Go to Edmodo
Complete the questions on Oskar Schindler using the given websites

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