Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tuesday, November 23

Hello students! It's Tuesday.
That means school today, school tomorrow, and then four day weekend! What fun!

Here are your assignments as you come in:

1) Vocabulary - In your blog, complete the following assignment:

Blog Title - Week 5 Synonyms, Images, and Sentences
Assignment -
*Copy the following synonyms for each of your vocabulary words:
Relate - Link, connect, attach, join
Assess - Measure, consider, calculate, review, judge
Concept - Idea, theory, model, thought, view
* Find an image for each of your vocabulary words.
* Write a sentence that describes how each image you selected represents your vocabulary word.

2) PLATO - CAHSEE English/Language Arts
Go to: Written and Oral Conventions
Assignment: Irregular Verbs
Print the mastery test (with your name printed on it) and turn in. If your name does not print, you need to show Ms. S or Julianna your assignment on the computer and have us sign the printout.

3) Punnett Squares

Link is not working - complete the practice problem worksheet instead.

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