Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday, November 16

Happy Tuesday!

We have sex-ed today at 1:30. Break will be after Sex-Ed, but only if you complete the following three assignments!

As is our little routine around here, here are your assignments as you come in:

1) Vocabulary - In your blog, complete the following assignment:

Blog Title - Week 4 Vocabulary: Synonyms, Images, and Sentences
Assignment -
**You must have your VOKI read your synonyms for you for each word. REMEMBER - you must write out a complete sentences ("The synonyms for the word (blank) are.....) in order for your voki to understand what to say.
The synonyms for your vocabulary words this week are:
Equate - Associate, compare, connect, link
Context - Background, circumstance, situation, framework, perspective
Evaluate/Evaluation - Assess, appraise, estimate
** Find an IMAGE to represent EACH of your vocabulary words. Then, write me a complete SENTENCE that describes how that image is an accurate representation of your vocabulary word.

2) Social Studies - Go to Edmodo. Today you'll be learning about what it was like for Japanese to return to society after the war was over and they were released from internment camps.

3) PLATO - CAHSEE English-Language Arts

Go to: Written and Oral Conventions

Assignment: Tenses of Regular Verbs
Print the mastery test (with your name printed on it) and turn in. If your name does not print, you need to show Ms. S or Julianna your assignment on the computer and have us sign the printout.

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