Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday, November 19

Happy Friday!

As you come in, complete the following assignments:

1) Vocabulary - Your vocabulary quiz must be turned in BEFORE you get your laptop for the day.

2) PLATO - English Language Arts
Go to: Written and Oral Conventions
Assignment: Matching Verbs with Compound Subjects
Print the mastery test (with your name printed on it) and turn in. If your name does not print, you need to show Ms. S or Julianna your assignment on the computer and have us sign the printout.

3) Social Studies - We are starting our Genocide Unit!
On Monday, you will choose (in teams of two) which genocide you will research and create a website about. In order to prepare you and so that you have a general background of information, you will need to complete the graphic organizer on Edmodo. For each genocide, you will be answering a few general questions.

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