Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday, November 30

Happy Tuesday!

Can you believe that tomorrow will be DECEMBER? You have sex-ed today at 1:30, so make sure your assignments are completed prior to Ms. Yumi's arrival.

1) Vocabulary - Complete the following assignment in your blog
Blog Title - Week 6 Vocabulary Synonyms, Images, and Sentences
Assignment -
* Synonyms - Copy & paste the following synonyms for each of your vocabulary words
Economy - financial system, wealth, market, country, nation
Finance (noun) - money, economics, business, investment
Finance (verb) - put money into, invest in, pay for
Income - profits, proceeds, revenue, earnings, pay, salary, wage
* Images & Sentences - Find an image that is representative of each of your vocabulary words. You will also need to write a sentence that describes why you chose each image.

2) PLATO - English/Language Arts
Go to: Written and Oral Conventions
Assignment: Fixing Misplaced Modifiers
Print the mastery test (with your name printed on it) and turn in. If your name does not print, you need to show Ms. S or Julianna your assignment on the computer and have us sign the printout.

3) Redo/Make-up Work
Go to Edmodo & find one missing or redo assignment to complete. One redo/make-up assignment is due today. Send me a reply back on Edmodo that lets me know what assignment you redid. Remember - all assignments are saved in the "library." You'll need to go to the library, shared folders, and then pick your subject. Look at your grades in order to determine which assignment you're redoing today. And in case you're wondering, yes, I WILL BE GIVING YOU CREDIT JUST FOR REDOING AN ASSIGNMENT - REDO WORK IS YOUR ASSIGNMENT RIGHT NOW!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday, November 29

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone had a safe and fun four day weekend! At 1:30, Mr. Rounds will be coming in to teach us how to create websites for our genocide projects. Keep this in mind as you begin your independent assignments this afternoon...

1) Vocabulary - In your blog, complete the following assignment:
Blog Title - Week 6 Vocabulary Definitions & Sample Sentences
This week's vocabulary words are: Finance (noun and verb), Income (noun), and Economy (noun)
- Find the definitions for each vocabulary word. Make sure that you find the definition for finance as both a noun and a verb!

- Copy the sample sentences:
Finance (noun) - We learned about the government's finances in Economics class.
Finance (verb) - Most people finance a mortgage when buying a house.
Income (noun) - A doctor's income is much higher than a teacher's. I should have been a doctor!
Economy (noun) - I like to shop at Costco, even though the economy sizes are sometimes difficult to finish.

2) PLATO - English/Language Arts
Go to: Written and Oral Conventions
Assignment: Correct Use of Adjectives and Adverb - Comparatives
Print the mastery test (with your name printed on it) and turn in. If your name does not print, you need to show Ms. S or Julianna your assignment on the computer and have us sign the printout.

3) Genocide Projects - TWO assignments
- Research Questions (the handout) should be FULLY COMPLETED. This is turned in on paper.
- Background (2 Paragraphs). This is turned in on Edmodo, so type your paragraph in Microsoft Word (Times New Roman, size 12 font, 1 inch margins)
Your background information should be a MINIMUM OF TWO (2) PARAGRAPHS. Remember, you need to answer the following questions:

a. Where did the genocide occur?

b. When did the genocide occur?

c. What history led up to the genocide? Providing a historical context is IMPERATIVE to understanding why the genocide happened.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hello! Happy almost four weekend day!

Here is our agenda for the day:
- Vocabulary Quiz
- PLATO - English/Language Arts
- PLATO - Math
- Genocide Projects
- Movies/Potluck (by 2:00ish?)
- Go home and see you on Monday!!!!

1) Vocabulary - Take your vocabulary quiz!

2) PLATO - English/Language Arts
Go to: Written and Oral Conventions
Assignment: Using Verbs that are Irregular in Past Tense
Print the mastery test (with your name printed on it) and turn in. If your name does not print, you need to show Ms. S or Julianna your assignment on the computer and have us sign the printout.

3) PLATO - Math
Go to: Number Sense
Assignment: Converting Percents Less than 1% to Decimals
Print the mastery test (with your name printed on it) and turn in. If your name does not print, you need to show Ms. S or Julianna your assignment on the computer and have us sign the printout.

4) Genocide Projects
By the end of today, you should have your research questions completed. Get a manila folder and start your project folder to collect any notes you will be taking in it. If you have already completed the questions, begin writing your answers as complete paragraphs (check the website requirement handout for full details).

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I am starting to grade the Academic Vocabulary that you post each week on your blogs. However, I don't have URL's from many people in class yet - this means I can't grade your work. Furthermore, I am realizing that most of you are NOT MAKING DAILY VOCABULARY POSTS. You should have a post for each day! By the end of the week, you should have the following assignments for vocabulary:
- Definitions
- Synonyms (by your voki)
- Images
- Sentences for each of your images
- Example sentences that you write
Most of you have not made this happen each week. You will start feeling it in your grades as I start to enter them today. Make sure you complete your vocabulary blog post each day for credit!

Tuesday, November 23

Hello students! It's Tuesday.
That means school today, school tomorrow, and then four day weekend! What fun!

Here are your assignments as you come in:

1) Vocabulary - In your blog, complete the following assignment:

Blog Title - Week 5 Synonyms, Images, and Sentences
Assignment -
*Copy the following synonyms for each of your vocabulary words:
Relate - Link, connect, attach, join
Assess - Measure, consider, calculate, review, judge
Concept - Idea, theory, model, thought, view
* Find an image for each of your vocabulary words.
* Write a sentence that describes how each image you selected represents your vocabulary word.

2) PLATO - CAHSEE English/Language Arts
Go to: Written and Oral Conventions
Assignment: Irregular Verbs
Print the mastery test (with your name printed on it) and turn in. If your name does not print, you need to show Ms. S or Julianna your assignment on the computer and have us sign the printout.

3) Punnett Squares

Link is not working - complete the practice problem worksheet instead.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Monday, November 22

Happy Monday!

It's a THREE-DAY WEEK! Make sure you come to school every day this week since you have Thursday and Friday OFF! Today we have Sex-Ed, so your vocabulary & PLATO need to be completed before Ms. Yumi arrives at 1:30. Here are your assignments.....

1) Vocabulary - Your vocabulary words for the week are:

- Relate (verb)
- Assess (verb)
- Concept (noun)

In your blog, you need to post the following assignment:
Blog Title - Week 5 Vocabulary
- For each word, you need to find the DEFINITION for each word. Remember, some words have multiple meanings, so be sure you are finding a definition for each meaning.
Relate: I couldn't relate to the Holocaust until I saw images from the concentration camps.
Assess: It was difficult to assess exactly how much damage the last earthquake caused.
Concept: My students have no concept of personal space.
- Write your OWN EXAMPLE SENTENCES (one sentence for each word)

2) PLATO - English/Language Arts - Tenses of Irregular Verbs
Go to: Written and Oral Conventions
Assignment: Tenses of Irregular Verbs
Print the mastery test (with your name printed on it) and turn in. If your name does not print, you need to show Ms. S or Julianna your assignment on the computer and have us sign the printout.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday, November 19

Happy Friday!

As you come in, complete the following assignments:

1) Vocabulary - Your vocabulary quiz must be turned in BEFORE you get your laptop for the day.

2) PLATO - English Language Arts
Go to: Written and Oral Conventions
Assignment: Matching Verbs with Compound Subjects
Print the mastery test (with your name printed on it) and turn in. If your name does not print, you need to show Ms. S or Julianna your assignment on the computer and have us sign the printout.

3) Social Studies - We are starting our Genocide Unit!
On Monday, you will choose (in teams of two) which genocide you will research and create a website about. In order to prepare you and so that you have a general background of information, you will need to complete the graphic organizer on Edmodo. For each genocide, you will be answering a few general questions.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thursday, November 18

Happy Thursday!

We have sex-ed today so make sure your assignments are completed & submitted before 1:30!

1) Vocabulary - In your blog you need to:
Blog Title - Week 4 Vocabulary Sentences
Assignment - Write two (2) sentences for EACH of your vocabulary words (Equate, Context, and Evaluate)

2) PLATO - CAHSEE English/Language Arts
Go to: Written and Oral Conventions
Assignment: Confusing Verbs 2
Print the mastery test (with your name printed on it) and turn in. If your name does not print, you need to show Ms. S or Julianna your assignment on the computer and have us sign the printout.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Rabbit in the Moon - Documentary about Japanese Internment

A Rabbit in the Moon, Part 1

A Rabbit in the Moon, Part 2

A Rabbit in the Moon, Part 3

A Rabbit in the Moon, Part 4

A Rabbit in the Moon, Part 5

A Rabbit in the Moon, Part 6

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tuesday, November 16

Happy Tuesday!

We have sex-ed today at 1:30. Break will be after Sex-Ed, but only if you complete the following three assignments!

As is our little routine around here, here are your assignments as you come in:

1) Vocabulary - In your blog, complete the following assignment:

Blog Title - Week 4 Vocabulary: Synonyms, Images, and Sentences
Assignment -
**You must have your VOKI read your synonyms for you for each word. REMEMBER - you must write out a complete sentences ("The synonyms for the word (blank) are.....) in order for your voki to understand what to say.
The synonyms for your vocabulary words this week are:
Equate - Associate, compare, connect, link
Context - Background, circumstance, situation, framework, perspective
Evaluate/Evaluation - Assess, appraise, estimate
** Find an IMAGE to represent EACH of your vocabulary words. Then, write me a complete SENTENCE that describes how that image is an accurate representation of your vocabulary word.

2) Social Studies - Go to Edmodo. Today you'll be learning about what it was like for Japanese to return to society after the war was over and they were released from internment camps.

3) PLATO - CAHSEE English-Language Arts

Go to: Written and Oral Conventions

Assignment: Tenses of Regular Verbs
Print the mastery test (with your name printed on it) and turn in. If your name does not print, you need to show Ms. S or Julianna your assignment on the computer and have us sign the printout.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Monday, November 15

Happy Monday! I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. As you come in, complete the following assignments:

1) Vocabulary- This week's vocabulary words are: Equate (verb), Context (noun), and Evaluate/Evaluation (verb and noun).
In your blog, you need to do the following: Blog Title - Week 4 Vocabulary Definitions & Examples
- Find the definitions for each of your vocabulary words.
- IMPORTANT NOTE - Evaluate is a verb and Evaluation is a noun. You need to write the definition for EACH so that you understand the different between the two.
- Copy the following example sentences:
Equate - I equate summer with sunshine.
Context - The story is sets the riots of the 60's in a historical context.
Evaluate (verb)
- Your work will be evaluated based on how well you fulfilled the criteria.
Evaluation (noun) - Health inspectors do a thorough evaluation of a new restaurant before it is allowed to open.

Go to: Written and Oral Conventions
Assignment: Semicolons, Colons, Dashes, Hyphens, and Quotation Marks
Print the mastery test (with your name printed on it) and turn in. If your name does not print, you need to show Ms. S or Julianna your assignment on the computer and have us sign the printout.
Say "I did it" on Edmodo

3) Social Studies - The Camp Experience
Go to Edmodo and complete the attached worksheet.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy Friday!
I hope that everyone enjoyed having Veteran's Day off yesterday.

Today's Agenda:
- Vocabulary Quiz
- PLATO: Colons & Semicolons
- Japanese Internment - Overview
- Math Quiz & Assignments
- Night Project Presentations
- Cruz: Infectious Disease Presentation

As you come in, begin working on the following assignments:

1) Vocabulary Quiz - This is done on paper but you still need to say "I did it" on Edmodo.

2) PLATO - CAHSEE English- Language Arts
Go to: Written and Oral Conventions
Assignment: Colons & Semicolons
Print the mastery test (with your name printed on it) and turn in. If your name does not print, you need to show Ms. S or Julianna your assignment on the computer and have us sign the printout.

3) Social Studies - WWII & Roundup of Japanese Americans - Overview

Go to Edmodo and complete the attached worksheet to learn a brief overview of how Japanese and Japanese Americans were rounded up during WWII and placed in interment camps.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday, November 10

Happy Wednesday!

I hope everyone enjoyed their day off yesterday...especially since you get another one tomorrow! Don't forget - NO SCHOOL tomorrow for Veteran's Day.

Today's Agenda:
- Vocabulary
- Night Projects - DUE!
- Quiz Review (Elimination, Substitution, PLATO)
- Cruz: Presentation
- Finish Schindler's List

1) Vocabulary - Synonyms, Images, and Sentences

Blog Title - Week 3 Synonyms, Images, and Sentences
- Copy the synonyms for each of your vocabulary words. You need to have your VOKI say your synonyms for you on your blog. REMEMBER - your voki needs to have you write your synonyms as a complete sentence, otherwise it won't read it correctly. For example, "The synonyms for the word interpret are compare and translate."
Interpret - Compare, Translate
Percent - Portion
Involve - Engage, engross, occupy, connect, include

- Images & Sentences: You must also find an image for EACH of your vocabulary words. For each image, you need to write ONE SENTENCE that describes why that image matches or describes your vocabulary word.

2) PLATO - "Using Commas with Linking Words like "Because""
Go to:
- https://ple.platoweb.com/
* CAHSEE English Language Arts Written and Oral Conventions
* Assignment: "Using Commas with Linking Words like "Because""
- Complete the MASTERY test - the Mastery test must show your name or you must show Ms. S/JUlianna your gold star and have us sign it. You will not earn credit if you simply write your name on the paper.
- Print & turn in

3) Night Projects are due today! You'll present them on Friday.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a good weekend.

Here are your assignments:

1) Vocabulary - In your blogs, you need to make the following post:
Blog Title - Week 3 Vocabulary Definitions & Examples
- Find the definitions for each of this week's vocabulary words: Involve, Percent, Interpret.
- Copy the following sample sentences into your blog:
Involve: I would like to get more involved in school so that my extracurricular activities look good on college applications.
Percent: I hope to graduate in the top five percent of my class.
Interpret: Ms. S often has Julianna interpret for her since she doesn't speak Spanish (yet).

2) Plagiarism - There has been an OBNOXIOUS amount of it happening in our class lately. I don't like it. You get zero's when I find people cheating. And NO, you may not redo the assignment. Ms. S's tip:

In your blog, post a response to the following (5 sentence minimum):
- What is plagiarism?
- Why do you do it?
- Why won't Ms. S accept it?
- Look up a college/university website (tell me the college/university you look up). SUMMARIZE (this means write something in your own words, don't just copy & paste it) what their plagiarism policy is.

3) PLATO (ELA) -
Go to:
- https://ple.platoweb.com/
* CAHSEE English Language Arts Written and Oral Conventions
* Assignment: "Adding Commas After Introductory Phrases"
- Complete the MASTERY test
- Print & turn in

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friday, November 5

Happy Friday!!!

Today's Agenda:
* Vocabulary Quiz
* PLATO (Language Arts)
* Oskar Schindler - Questions
* Night - Projects
* Math Quiz
* Biology Presentations (Nalani/Jose, Cruz, Yadira, Daniel, Mikey, Valerie, Paz, Josselin, Andrea, Isabel)
* Schindler's List

Here are your assignments as you come in:

1) Vocabulary Quiz - Ask Ms. S for it. Take it. Turn it in.

2) Language Arts - PLATO
Go to: CAHSEE English Language Arts Written & Oral Conventions
Complete the Mastery Test for the "Using Commas in Sentences with "Or", "And", or "But"."
Turn in on Edmodo

3) Social Studies/History - Go to Edmodo
Complete the questions on Oskar Schindler using the given websites

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wednesday, November 3

Hello favorite students! Happy Wednesday!

Important Notes:
** Did you bring your $7 for the field trip tomorrow?
** You need to arrive at school NO LATER THAN 7:45AM tomorrow morning. Eat some breakfast before you come. We'll have sack lunches and we'll also stop at fast food somewhere on the way home. Bring extra money if you think you're going to want to buy a lot of food.
** If you are NOT going on the field trip tomorrow, your PACKET IS DUE BEFORE YOU GO HOME TODAY.

Here are your assignments as you go this morning:

1) Vocabulary: In your blog, you need to complete the following:

Blog Title - Week 2 Vocabulary Paragraph
Assignment - For your vocabulary paragraph, you need to read the following quote by Elie Weisel. You will then write a 5 SENTENCE PARAGRAPH to respond to his quote - what do you think it means? How does it relate to the book Night? Why does it seem important? In your response, you must use your three vocabulary words: Structure, Perceive, and Impact.
Weisel's Quote:

"What is indifference? Etymologically, the word means "no difference." A strange and unnatural state in which the lines blur between light and darkness, dusk and dawn, crime and punishment, cruelty and compassion, good and evil.

Of course, indifference can be tempting -- more than that, seductive. It is so much easier to look away from victims. It is so much easier to avoid such rude interruptions to our work, our dreams, our hopes. It is, after all, awkward, troublesome, to be involved in another person's pain and despair. Yet, for the person who is indifferent, his or her neighbor are of no consequence. And, therefore, their lives are meaningless. Their hidden or even visible anguish is of no interest. Indifference reduces the other to an abstraction."

2) Book Rating - In your blog, you need to rate the novel Night by Elie Weisel.

Blog Title - Night - Book Rating
Assignment - Rate the book on a scale of 1-5 (where 0 is you hated the book and 5 is you loved it). In THREE SENTENCES, tell me why you either enjoyed or did not enjoy the book. I am not grading you on whether or not you liked the book, but rather, your explanation.
Consider the following questions in your response: Why did you enjoy/not enjoy it? What did you learn from it? What would you like to read next time?

3) Social Studies/History
- Go to Edmodo. Today is your final day learning about concentration camp liberation and the aftermath of the Holocaust. Tomorrow is the Museum, so I want you to be well prepared for what we'll see there.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Tuesday, November 2

Hello my favorite students! Obviously, I am not here today. Sorry, I am at a training so I expect you to be on your best behavior! If you get into trouble or get suspended, you will not be allowed to go on the field trip on Thursday.

Here is your agenda for the day:
- Vocabulary
- Social Studies
- Language Arts on PLATO
- Math
- Biology - Begin Genetics Unit

1) Vocabulary - In your blog, you need to post the following:

Blog Title - Week 2 Vocab Synonyms & Images
Assignment -
Look up the synonyms for your vocab words: Impact, Structure, and Perceive
Find an image for each vocabulary word
Write a sentence about how your image represents your vocabulary word

2) Social Studies - Go to Edmodo
Go to the following website: http://www.ushmm.org/museum/exhibit/online/phistories/ and click on the "Aftermath" section
Download, complete, and turn in the worksheet on Edmodo

3) Language Arts - Go to PLATO for CAHSEE ELA
Assignment: Using figures of speech in writing & Being a word detective
Print the mastery test for both and turn in

4) Math - Read your checklist.
Assignment: Ch 6-1 Problem Solving worksheet (all problems)
Ch 10-6 Worksheet (Both sides, only #1-8)
PLATO - Number Sense - Multiplying Integers

5) Biology - Begin Unit 4, Genetics
Assignment: Read and complete the vocabulary and section assessment questions for Chapter 11, Section 1

Monday, November 1

Happy November! I hope everyone had a fun, safe weekend!

** Pictures are uploaded from Friday's Pumpkin Carving**

Here are your assignments as you come in:

1) Vocabulary - In your blog, you need to post the following:

Your vocabulary words for the week are: Impact, Structure, and Perceive

Blog Title - Week 2 Vocabulary Definitions & Examples
In your post, you need to:
- Find the definitions of each world
- Find the part of speech for each work (noun, verb, adjective)
- Copy the example sentences for each word

2) Social Studies - On Edmodo: For this assignment, you will need to read/view the personal stories of Holocaust survivors. The survivor stories will give you a glimpse into what their experiences were like, especially as we are about to conclude Night. There are six survivor stories – you must choose three.