Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thursday, February 24

Happy Thursday!

As you come in, complete the following assignments - YOU HAVE THREE TODAY. You will be given until 9:00 to complete your tasks.

1) Vocabulary -
Your vocabulary words for the week are: Justify, Establish, Indicate, and Method.
Blog Title - Week 5/6 Vocab Sentences
Assignment -
For EACH vocabulary word, you need to write TWO (2) SENTENCES. That's a total of 8 sentences for this blog post.

2) PLATO - English/Language Arts
Go to - Reading Comprehension
Assignment - Using Pictures to Help You Understand Information

3) Social Studies - US and World History (same assignment)
Go to Edmodo and download the Vietnam War - Webquest Overview worksheet. It has six questions, with the web links you can use to find the answers. Type your answers on Microsoft Word & submit on Edmodo --- do not post your answer as a reply, but rather click the "turn-in" link and upload your document.

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