Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday, February 11

Happy Friday! And to make your Friday even better, today will be early release! Ms. S needs to pack!

A few important notes -

- Genetics Projects are DUE TODAY. You will not have any class time next week to work on your projects.
- Genetic Project PRESENTATIONS will be next week. We will do sign-ups for what day you present today. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP PRESENTATIONS. You must be present on the day that you sign up for.
- School next week will be EVERYDAY from 9-10:00AM EXCEPT MONDAY. On Monday, you will have school from 11-12:00PM. If you do not come EVERYDAY, you will not receive a bus pass for March.
- You need to take home your report card today.

3802 Main Street
(619) 585 - 2962.
- Our school is on the corner of Hilltop & Main (on the left hand side).

The assignments you have to complete for today are:

1) Vocabulary Quiz

2) PLATO - Idioms
Go to - Literary Analysis and Response
Assignment - Idioms

3) Genetics Projects - They are due today!

Checklist of what is due:
PowerPoint -
5 Questions on your topic
5 Images
2 Vocabulary
Poster -
Summary of the ethical dilemma/controversy on your topic
List of Pros/Cons
Genetics Overview
Typed, 1/2 page
Turned in on Edmodo

4) Algebra I
Chapter 5-2 (both sides)
PLATO - Patterns and Sequences

When all your work is done AND MS. S HAS APPROVED THE COMPLETION OF YOUR GENETICS PROJECT, you may go home early.

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