Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday, February 25

Yay!!! It's Friday.

As you come into class, here are your assignments to class:

1) Vocabulary Quiz
This is printed for you. Take it, turn it in, and THEN get your laptop.

2) PLATO - English/Language Arts
Go to: Reading Comprehension
Assignment: Using Graphics To Help You Understand Expository Text

3) Vietnam War - WebQuest Overview

NO ONE TURNED THIS IN YESTERDAY! Before you are allowed to go on your first break today, this will be due.

Go to Edmodo and download the Vietnam War - Webquest Overview worksheet. It has six questions, with the web links you can use to find the answers. Type your answers on Microsoft Word & submit on Edmodo --- do not post your answer as a reply, but rather click the "turn-in" link and upload your document.

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