Monday, November 21, 2011

Tuesday, November 22

Good morning!

As you come in, you have two different assignments -

1) Words Alive survey on Maus
***Go to this link -
***Fill out the survey
***Show me the page that confirms you have completed the survey (yes, I actually give you a grade for this)

Take the survey:
Yes, you will get credit for this also.

3) Vocabulary
Blog Title: Q2, Week 5 - Critical Reading Passage
Assignment - Read the passage below and answer the questions. You don't have to use the vocabulary words, but you must write at least five sentences and use COMPLETE SENTENCES.

Are cell phones safe to use while driving?

Twenty years ago cell phones were a new concept. Now, most people use cell phones because they allow you to talk when and where you want, do business on the road, and enjoy music, video, messaging and Internet features. Cell phones are powerful telecommunications devices, but are they safe?Many studies have shown an increased risk of car accidents related to cell phone use while driving. A handful of states assessed the risk and have made hand-held cell phone use illegal while operating a car. The message seems to be that if you use a hands-free device, you are safe. A growing number of studies relate that any kind of phone use (even hands-free) while driving leads to an increase in accidents. In addition, statistics show that reaction time for drivers talking on a cell phone is similar to that of a drunk driver.This argument implies that the most effective legislation would ban the use of cell phones by drivers in cars; however, this concept faces strong opposition from the telecommunications industry and auto manufacturers. If everyone on the road were unable to use their cell phones, life would be very different. Business transactions would slow and wireless providers would lose millions of dollars.

Answer the questions:
1. Is it dangerous to use a cell phone while driving?
2. Should cell phones be banned completely while driving or are they safe to use with hand-free devices?

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