Monday, November 21, 2011

Tuesday, November 21

Good morning, my favorite students of all time!

Aren't you SOOOO excited that we have a short week?

This morning, you have two assignments - a blog about your mid-term grades and an Edmodo vocab assignment.

You need to show me your blog and your vocab assignment so I can enter your grades.

Blog: Week 5 Grades
*** Go to Edmodo.
*** Check your grades for ALL the classes you take with me: Home Room, Language Arts, Algebra or Geometry
*** Find the PERCENTAGE (take the small number and divide it into the big number) for each class.
*** How many missing assignments do you have?
*** Are you happy with this grade?
*** What can you do to improve this grade?

Once you are done with this blog, go to Edmodo for your vocab assignment.

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