Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday, June 15

Yes, today is actually the 15th. Sorry for the date confusion yesterday.

Anyway, here are your assignments as you come in:

1) Vocabulary
Yes, you have the same vocabulary words: Register, Scheme, and Proportion. Tomorrow you will have your quiz and then we'll move on to new, different words that you'll have for a week!
For today, complete the following assignments in your blog:
Blog Title: Week 1 Vocabulary Paragraph
Assignment: Use all three words in a cohesive paragraph that makes sense. Your paragraph must be around one topic (this is what makes it cohesive) and must be a minimum of five sentences.

2) PLATO - English/Language Arts
Go to - Word Analysis --> Expanding your Vocabulary
Assignment - Using Prefix Clues (Mastery Test)

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