Sunday, June 26, 2011

Monday, June 27

Welcome to Week 4!

As you come in, here is what we will be doing today in class.

1) Assigning binders.

Each of you should have brought a binder to school today. I will be passing out your work that you have completed thus far in class with dividers. You will need a section for Language Arts and your Algebra or Geometry course. If you are in my Home Room, you will need an additional section for that. Three-hole punch your work and keep yourself organized here!

Most tests/quizzes are open-note, so you'll want to make sure all your assignments are saved for these.

2) Vocabulary
Blog Title: Week 3 Vocabulary Definitions and Examples
Your vocabulary words for the week are:
1. Technique (n) -
Ex. Medical researches are always trying to develop new techniques to cure diseases.

2. Valid (adj) -
Ex. Julianna felt that her hard work was validated when she accepted her TA of the year award.

3. Access (n, v) -
Ex. If you use a proxy on the laptop, you will use access to using them.

** Copy each vocabulary word and the examples I have provided.
** Find a definition for each word.

3) PLATO - English/Language Arts
Go to - Word Analysis
Assignment - Drawing Conclusions (Mastery Test)

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