Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday, September 26

Hello my favorite students! Are you being good still? Listen to Julianna and the sub!!!

Your plan for the day is this:

1) Vocabulary
2) Math test
3) Finish your essays! Personal narrative final drafts are due TOMORROW!!! But yes, you will have class time to finish typing.

Your vocabulary assignment is...

1) Vocabulary
In your blogs, complete the following assigment -
Blog Title: Week 6 Vocabulary Definitions & Examples
Your vocabulary words this week are: Verify, Sequence, and Simplify.
*** Find the definition for each word.
*** Copy the example sentences for each word.

Verify - Whenever you are absent, Julianna calls your mommies and daddies to verify your absence and make sure you are actually sick and not just skipping school!
Sequence - Your personal narratives should follow a logical sequence of your story - the "before" you, the story that changed you, and the "after" version of you.
Simplify - You should try to simplify your life by simply listening to your teacher sometimes!

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