Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday, September 29

Good morning!

Tomorrow is Julianna's birthday....what should we do?!?!?

This morning you have TWO VOCABULARY BLOGS

1) Vocabulary -
In your blogs, complete the following assigment -
Blog Title: Week 6 Vocabulary Definitions & Examples
Your vocabulary words this week are: Verify, Sequence, and Simplify.
*** Find the definition for each word.
*** Copy the example sentences for each word.

Verify - Whenever you are absent, Julianna calls your mommies and daddies to verify your absence and make sure you are actually sick and not just skipping school!
Sequence - Your personal narratives should follow a logical sequence of your story - the "before" you, the story that changed you, and the "after" version of you.
Simplify - You should try to simplify your life by simply listening to your teacher sometimes!

2) Vocabulary
In your blogs, complete the following assigment -
Blog Title: Week 6 Vocabulary Synonyms, Images, and Sentences
Your vocabulary words this week are: Verify, Sequence, and Simplify.
*** Copy the synonyms for each word
Verify - check, confirm, prove
Sequence - succession, chain
Simplify - make simpler, make things easier, shorten
*** Find an image for each word.
*** Write a sentence that explains how your picture is a good match with your word.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday, September 28

Good morning!

1) Vocabulary -
In your blogs, complete the following assigment -
Blog Title: Week 6 Vocabulary Definitions & Examples
Your vocabulary words this week are: Verify, Sequence, and Simplify.
*** Find the definition for each word.
*** Copy the example sentences for each word.

Verify - Whenever you are absent, Julianna calls your mommies and daddies to verify your absence and make sure you are actually sick and not just skipping school!
Sequence - Your personal narratives should follow a logical sequence of your story - the "before" you, the story that changed you, and the "after" version of you.
Simplify - You should try to simplify your life by simply listening to your teacher sometimes!

2) Personal Narratives - FINAL DRAFTS

If you think you are ready to print, I have to check it for you.
Remember to include the following:

- Times New Roman font, size 12
- Double spaced
- Proper heading in the top left hand corner:
Language Arts - Block
- Must have a title! The title can't be "my personal narrative" or "my life story."
- Must include:
Dialogue (remember to use quotation marks!)
Emotion (a scene that describes how you FELT about something)
Sensory detail (describe a scene using one of your senses -- touch, sight, smell, taste, and sound)

3) Redo work
If you have finished your essay, do redo work!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday, September 27

Hello my favorites! I hope everyone enjoyed their free day off yesterday!

As you come in, here is our schedule for the day.

1) Math test! Yay! I love math tests!!!!
Get all your notes and a book if you need one. This is an INDIVIDUAL test. ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN IF YOU WANT CREDIT. Remember, no work = no grade. I won't even grade the questions you got right.

We will do a quick review to get you ready. So grab a piece of paper!

Once you have completed your math test, you may get a computer. I won't give you a computer unless you've shown your work and taken your test!

2) Vocabulary -
In your blogs, complete the following assigment -
Blog Title: Week 6 Vocabulary Definitions & Examples
Your vocabulary words this week are: Verify, Sequence, and Simplify.
*** Find the definition for each word.
*** Copy the example sentences for each word.

Verify - Whenever you are absent, Julianna calls your mommies and daddies to verify your absence and make sure you are actually sick and not just skipping school!
Sequence - Your personal narratives should follow a logical sequence of your story - the "before" you, the story that changed you, and the "after" version of you.
Simplify - You should try to simplify your life by simply listening to your teacher sometimes!

3) Personal Narratives - FINAL DRAFTS
They were going to be due today, but since you didn't have school yesterday the due date will be extended until tomorrow. Make your edits.
If you think you are ready to print, I have to check it for you.
Remember to include the following:

- Times New Roman font, size 12
- Double spaced
- Proper heading in the top left hand corner:
Language Arts - Block
- Must have a title! The title can't be "my personal narrative" or "my life story."
- Must include:
Dialogue (remember to use quotation marks!)
Emotion (a scene that describes how you FELT about something)
Sensory detail (describe a scene using one of your senses -- touch, sight, smell, taste, and sound)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday, September 26

Hello my favorite students! Are you being good still? Listen to Julianna and the sub!!!

Your plan for the day is this:

1) Vocabulary
2) Math test
3) Finish your essays! Personal narrative final drafts are due TOMORROW!!! But yes, you will have class time to finish typing.

Your vocabulary assignment is...

1) Vocabulary
In your blogs, complete the following assigment -
Blog Title: Week 6 Vocabulary Definitions & Examples
Your vocabulary words this week are: Verify, Sequence, and Simplify.
*** Find the definition for each word.
*** Copy the example sentences for each word.

Verify - Whenever you are absent, Julianna calls your mommies and daddies to verify your absence and make sure you are actually sick and not just skipping school!
Sequence - Your personal narratives should follow a logical sequence of your story - the "before" you, the story that changed you, and the "after" version of you.
Simplify - You should try to simplify your life by simply listening to your teacher sometimes!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday, September 22

Good morning!

As you come in, here are your assignments:

1) Vocabulary
Your vocabulary words this week are: positive, estimate, and illustrate.
Blog Title: Week 5 Vocabulary Paragraph
** Write a paragraph (5 SENTENCES) that uses all three of your vocabulary words.

2) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to - Algebra and Functions
Assignment - Using Basic Number Ideas (Mastery Test)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wednesday, September 21

Good morning! Today is early release so we need to be busy little bees in the classroom to get our work done!

1) Vocabulary -
In your blogs, complete your following assignment:
Blog Title: Week 5 Vocabulary Sentences
*** Your vocabulary words this week are: positive, illustrate, and estimate.
*** Write TWO (2) SENTENCES per word.

2) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to: Algebra and Functions
Assignment: Exponents - Product Rule (mastery test)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday, September 20

Good morning!

As you come in to class today, here are your assignments --

1) Vocabulary
In your blogs, complete the following assignment:
Blog Title: Week 5 Synonyms, Images, and Sentences
-- Copy the following synonyms for each of your vocabulary words.
a. Positive - optimistic, constructive, affirmative
b. Illustrate - demonstrate, show, exemplify
c. Estimate - approximation, guess, calculation
-- Find an image that represents each of your vocabulary words.
-- Write a sentence that explains how your image represents your vocabulary word.

2) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to - Algebra and Functions
Assignment: Exponents - Expanded Form (Mastery Test)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, September 19

Good morning and afternoon, my favorite students!

As you come in, here are your morning assignments -

1) Check your grades!
Blog Title: Week 6 Grades
*** Check your grades on Edmodo for Language Arts, Math Lab, and either Algebra/Geometry.
*** Answer the following questions in your blog:
- What is your grade? Find the percentage.
- How many MISSING assignments do you have?
- Are you satisfied with this grade? Why or why not?
- What are you going to do to improve these grades?

2) Vocabulary
Blog Title: Week 5 Vocabulary Definitons and Examples
Your vocabulary words this week are: Illustrate, Estimate, and Positive.
*** Find the definition of each word.
*** Copy the example sentences for each word.
a. Illustrate - She illustrated a children's book about the effects of smoking on your lungs.
b. Estimate - I had to get an estimate of how much it was going to cost me to fix my car before I had the work done.
c. Positive - I am determined to have a positive attitude today - so don't make me mad! :)

3) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to: Algebra and Functions
Assignment: Exponents: Exponential Form (Mastery Test)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, September 14

Good morning my lovely students!

As you come in, here are your assignments -

1) Vocabulary
Your vocabulary words this week are: significant, identify, and construct.
Blog Title: Week 4 Vocabulary Paragraph
** Write a FIVE SENTENCE PARAGRAPH that uses all three of your vocabulary words in a cohesive manner.

You do not have a PLATO today. We will do math & begin typing our essays.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday, September 13

Good morning! You're still my favorite students today!

As you come in, here are your assignments -

1) Vocabulary
Blog Title - Week 4 Vocabulary Synonyms, Images, and Sentences
Assignment -
Really, at this point, you should know the drill. It's Tuesday.
Complete the following assignment in your blogs....
*** Copy the following synonyms for each of your vocabulary words.
1) Identify - Recognize, spot, name
2) Construct - Make, build, create
3) Significant - Important, major, noteworthy
*** Find an image that represents each of your vocabulary words.
*** Write a sentence that explains how the image you selected represents the vocabulary word.

2) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to - Statistics, Probability, and Data Analysis
Assignment - Solving Problems with Probability

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Monday, September 12

Hello my favorite students!

I hope you enjoyed your weekend. As you come in, here are your assignments. And guess what? We are taking a day off from math and from our narratives. Since yesterday was the 10 year memorial of 9/11, once you are finished with your warm up activities, we will begin a little one-day lesson of 9/11. I know most of you were like infants when 9/11 happened, but its a pretty significant historical day. When you have kids some day, they will learn about 9/11 in their history textbooks.

So, before we get to that, here are your assignments -

1) Vocabulary
Your vocabulary words this week are: Identify, Construct, and Significant.

In your blogs, complete the following assingments:
Blog Title: Week 3 Vocabulary Definitons & Examples
Blog Assignment:
*** Find the definitions for each of your vocabulary words.
*** Copy the example sentences below.

a. Identify - The biology class had identify different body systems that make up
b. Construct - Children like to construct tall building with their building blocks.
c. Significant - Going to college is a significant accomplishment.

2) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to: Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability
Assignment: Mean, Median, and Mode

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday, September 8

Hello! As you come in, here are your assignments...

1) Vocabulary
Blog Title: Week 3 Vocab Sentences
*** Your vocabulary words this week are:
1) Appropriate
2) Consist
3) Focus
*** Write a FIVE (5) SENTENCE PARAGRAPH that uses all three vocabulary words in a cohesive way.

2) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to: Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probablity
Assignment: Probablity of an Event (Mastery Test)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday, September 7

Hello! As you come in, here are your assignments...

1) Vocabulary
Blog Title: Week 3 Vocab Synonyms, Images, and Sentences
*** Copy the following synonyms for each of your vocabulary words.
1) Appropriate - Correct, proper, well-timed
2) Consist - Contain, include
3) Focus - Concentrate, target, devote
*** Find an image that represents each of your vocabulary words.
*** Write a sentence that explains how your image selected matches the word.

2) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to: Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probablity
Assignment: Probablity and Possible Outcomes (Mastery Test)

Monday, September 5, 2011

Tuesday, September 5

Hello! As you come into class, here are your warm-up assignments:

1) Vocabulary
In your blogs, complete the following vocabulary assignment.
Blog Title: Week 3 Vocabulary Definitions & Examples
*** Your vocabulary words this week are:
1) Appropriate (adj) - It is not appropriate to use your cell phone during class.
2) Focus (verb) - Students need to focus on their teacher's lesson if they want to pass their classes.
3) Consist (verb) - A great meal consists of salmon, mashed potatoes, and asparagus.

*** Find the definitions of each word.
*** Copy the above example sentences into your blog to use as a model for when you have to write your own sentences.

*** There is no PLATO today as we need to do our math and begin work on our narratives. Please turn in computers immediately after you have completed your vocab blog so that we can move forward with our day. We have a short week and a lot of work to do!