Monday, September 20, 2010

And it's Monday already...

I hope all of you had a lovely little weekend. As you come into class, you need to complete the following:

1) Vocabulary. Copy the definitions & sample sentences for each word. Remember, the vocab. word goes in the middle - the definition in the definition box and the sample sentence in the example box.
  • Simplify (verb) - To make something clearer or easier to understand
Sample Sentence: The student asked the teacher to simplify the math problem into fewer steps.
  • Verify (verb) - To find out if a fact, statement, etc. is correct or true
Sample Sentence: Teachers grade tests to verify whether or not students actually learned the material. I will be verifying your knowledge about organ systems today, in fact!

  • Sequence (noun)
- The order that events or actions happen in, or are supposed to happen in
- One part of a story, movie, etc. that deals with a single subject or action

Sample Sentence: Math courses are taught in sequence so that the material builds upon itself.

2) When you complete your vocabulary, you need to have TEN (10) ARTIFACTS in your lunch bag. Final lunch bags will be due WEDNESDAY.

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