Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday, July 19 - BLOCK 1

As you come in, here are your assignments:

1) Vocabulary
Complete the following assignment in your blog.
Blog Title: Week 6 Synonyms, Images, and Sentences
*** Copy the following synonyms and word forms.

1. Domestic -
Synonyms - Local, homebody, family, servant, pet
Word forms - domesticate, domesticated

2. Despite
Synonyms - even though, although, even if

3. Dimension
Synonyms - aspect, extent, amount, measure, probability
Word forms - dimensions

*** Find an image that represents each of your vocabulary words.
*** Write a sentence that explains how each image you chose represents the word.

2) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to: Number Sense
Assignment: Finding the Percent of a Whole Number (Mastery Test)

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