Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wednesday, December 1

It's December!

Can you believe it's already December? Man oh man. Well, here are your assignments as you come into class. You have until about 1:55 to complete these assignments and then we will work on your history projects.

1) Vocabulary - In your blogs you need to:
Blog Title - Week 6 Vocabulary Sentences
Assignment - You need to write TWO (2) SENTENCES for each of your vocabulary words. For the word finance, you must write one sentence that uses finance as a noun and one sentences that uses the word finance as a verb.
- Finance
- Economy
- Income

2) PLATO - English/Language Arts

Go to: Written and Oral Conventions
Assignment: Fixing Modifier-Subject Mismatches
Print the mastery test (with your name printed on it) and turn in. If your name does not print, you need to show Ms. S or Julianna your assignment on the computer and have us sign the printout.

3) Biology - Go get your biology books! You're actually doing this assignment on paper!
Assignment: Chapter 11, Section 3 (Pages 270-274)
- Define all vocabulary words (there are 5) on p. 270
- Need to answer Section Assessment questions #1-4 on pg. 274
Make sure you write the assignment on your paper so I know what assignment you completed!

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