Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday, August 31

It's the last day of August!

As you come in, here are your assignments --

1) Vocabulary
In your blogs, complete the following post:
Blog Title: Week 2 Vocabulary Sentences
Assignment: Your vocabulary words this week are: affect, maintain, and text.
*** Write TWO (2) SENTENCES per word.

2) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to: Number Sense
Assignment: Equations with Absolute Value

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday, August 30

Good morning! As you come in, here are your vocab & PLATO assignments:

1) Vocabulary
In your blogs, complete the following assignment -
Blog Title: Week 2 Vocab Synonyms, Images, and Sentences
*** Copy the following synonyms for each of your vocabulary words.
1) Affect - Change, alter, modify
2) Maintain - Carry on, continue, manage
3) Text - Words, document, class book
*** Find an image that represents each of your vocabulary words.
*** Write a sentence that explains why you chose your image and how it represents your word.

2) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to: Number Sense
Assignment: Absolute Value of a Number (Mastery Test)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday, August 29

Good morning! As you come in, here are your assignments...

1) Vocabulary -
Blog Title: Week 2 Vocabulary Definitons & Examples
Your vocabulary words this week are:
1) Affect (verb, noun) - The weather can affect your mood for the day.
2) Maintain (verb, noun) - Zoo keepers do their best to maintain the natural habitat of the animals.
3) Text (verb, noun) - The text about World War I is confusing; but the text on the human body is very intriguing.

*** Find the definitions for each word.
*** Copy the example sentences for each word.

2) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to: Number Sense
Assignment: Square Root of Integers

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday, August 26

Once you have finished your vocabulary quiz, do your PLATO!

1) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to: Number Sense
Assignment: Interger Exponents and the Quotient Rule

We will then begin reading an autobiography (since you're writing one!) and then you can finish your A Child Called It test from yesterday if that was not done already.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday, August 25

Complete the following assignments:

1) Vocabulary
Your vocabulary words this week are: Examine, Analyze, and Derive.
Complete the following assignment in your blogs.

Blog Title: Week 1 Vocabulary Paragraph
** Write a FIVE (5) SENTENCE paragraph that uses all three vocabulary words in a coherent way.

2) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to: Number Sense
Assignment: Integer Exponents and the Product Rule

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday, August 24

You only have one assignment in block today so I can work on report cards! Yay!

1) Vocabulary
Your vocabulary words this week are: Examine, Analyze, and Derive.
Blog Title: Week 1 Vocab Sentences
*** Write TWO (2) SENTENCES per word.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday, August 23 you come in, please complete the following assignments -

1) Join your Edmodo classes!

Language Arts - ano9qj
Algebra I - mvwfxv
Math Lab - wpqr02

Language Arts - tnugjb
Algebra I - z3qbsb
Math Lab - ydhb0e
Geometry - maq7ni

2) Vocabulary
Your vocabulary words this week are:
*** Copy the following synonyms and word forms for each word.
*** Find an image that represents each of the words.
*** Write a sentence that explains how each image represents each word.

1. Examine (v, n) -
Synonyms - Look at, check, consider.
Word forms - examines, examined, examining.

2. Analyze (n,v)
Synonyms -Examine, Study, Investigate
Word forms - Analyzes, Analyzed, Analyzing

3. Derive (n,v)
Synonyms - Gain, Obtain, Recieve
Word forms -Derives, Derived, Deriving

3) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to: Number Sense
Assignment: Positive and Negative Exponents

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Monday, August 22

Hello students! Welcome back to using computers and blogging!!

After you join the new Edmodo classes (see the post below for codes, and please make sure that you join the rightr classes), please complete the following assignments.

And remember, today is a short day so you have to work efficiently!

And lastly...pleaes don't ask me about your grades or report cards! I was on vacation. You can ask me that question on Thursday.

1) Vocabulary
Blog Title - Quarter 1, Week 1 Vocabulary Definitons & Examples
Assignment -
*** Find the definitions for each word. FIND THE DEFINITION FOR EACH PART OF SPEECH(noun, verb, etc.)
*** Copy the example sentences.

1. Examine (v, n) -
Example: In biology class students examine the growth of bacteria.

2. Analyze (n,v)-
Example: In science class we will analyze the effects of cigarette smoke on your lungs.

3. Derive (n,v) -
Example: I derived an appreciation greek literature after learning more about it.

2) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to: Geometry & Measurement
Assignment: Solving Ratio, Proportion, and Percent Story Problems

Monday, August 22 - EDMODO CODES

Hello, my lovely students! I hope all of you enjoyed having a sub for the past two weeks and that you behaved yourselves, but now it's back to real work!

Also, welcome to the new quarter! New quarter means new Edmodo classes. Please join the following classes according to your schedule.

Film Studies - gdikgu

Language Arts - ano9qj
Algebra I - mvwfxv
Math Lab - wpqr02

Language Arts - tnugjb
Algebra I - z3qbsb
Math Lab - ydhb0e
Geometry - maq7ni

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday, August 4

After you have taken your quizzes, you need to complete the following assignments:

1) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to: Number Sense
Assignment: Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Numbers (Mastery Test)

Turn in final drafts on Edmodo. Make sure Ms. S sees your final draft BEFORE you turn it in on Edmodo.

3) Redo/Make-up Work.
Check your Edmodo to redo any missing or late work. TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO TURN IN MISSING/REDO/MAKE-UP WORK!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday, August 3

Good morning! As you come in, complete the following assignments:

1) Vocab
Blog Title - Week 8 Vocabulary Sentences
Assignment -
Your vocabulary words are: Impose, integrate, and predict.
Write TWO(2) SENTENCES for each of your vocabulary words.

2) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to: Number Sense
Assignment: Dividing Fractions (mastery test)

*** Remember, when you divide fractions, you multiply by the reciprocal!

3) Register for Passport to Life!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday, August 2

Hello! As you come in, here are your assignments -

1) Vocabulary
Blog Title: Week 8 Vocabulary Synonyms, Images, and Sentences
*** Copy the following synonyms for each of your vocabulary words.
Impose - compel, order, force, require
Integrate - combine, add, incorporate, join
Predict - forecast, forsee, prophesy



2) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to: Number Sense
Assignment: Adding and Subtracting Fractions (mastery test)


2) PLATO - Mathematics
Go to - Number Sense
Assignment - Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers (Mastery Test)